About Telltec and Aaron
Telltec is a small site and blog run by Aaron Meder from Switzerland.
I mainly write about technology and web development.
The name “Telltec” came to life a good while back, probably around the year 2000. It’s a combination of the words Tell and Tec (short for Tech actually). They symbolize the connection of swissness and the tech world to me. It was actually meant to become the domain for an tech online shop that me and my friends wanted to start.
I work as a web developer at Soda Studios.
Here are some websites I’ve helped developing:
- A set of 18 websites for the Baumann Koelliker Gruppe, a group of electrician-related companies based in Zurich:
- Baumann Koelliker Gruppe
- Jobs Platform
- Baumann Koelliker AG
- Beltech Schaltanlagen AG
- Brupbacher Gatti AG
- Bütler Elektro Telecom AG
- De Boni Elektro AG
- Electro Inspect AG
- Elektro M+C AG
- Ellenbrok Hugentobler AG
- Glatttal Installationen AG
- Haupt+Studer AG
- Käser Elektro AG
- Miesch Elektro AG
- Netfon Solutions AG
- Ruther AG
- Stadler AG
- Wenger + Wirz AG
- Cheers to You from Soda Studios
- Hotel Hauser
- Waschraum
What Is in My Tool Belt?
I enjoy coding across PHP, HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Most of the regular company websites I create are WordPress based.
My favourite starting point for custom coded WP themes is the Flynt starter theme, which is a really good combination of fantastic tools to create fast and maintainable websites:
- ACF Advanced Custom Fields: gives you great control for structured data input
- Timber: Super batttle tested developer tools for WP, e.g. providing convenient data and image handling.
- Twig: a simple templating engine for PHP which makes outputting data clean & quick
- SCSS: extends regular CSS with features like nesting (soon available in CSS itself)
- Custom Elements (a.k.a. Web Components): Encapsulate each part of your site into its own element, which is cleanly maintainable.
It really strikes a great balance between simple best practices without forcing you into things.
Aside from WordPress I also do some Laravel based work.